Having faith in supernatural force in a materialistic world is quite natural. But the question is which faith? People in Many Countries follow their Traditional customs and rituals which most of its people can relate and adhere to without any apprehension. On the contrary, when there is considerable chunk following different religions accepted by the constitution of the country it takes lot of pain to accommodate and make it Inclusive if it turn against wishes and aspirations of the people and culture. This may lead to chaos and disintegration. but those who are religious would hold on to their Holy Relics and say "come what may have faith in Almighty" while others like to go through motions without much ado.
ഭാരതം എന്നതിലുപരി ഹിന്ദുസ്ഥാൻ എന്ന മനോരാജ്യം അന്വർത്ഥമാക്കുക എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യം BJP യിലൂടെ സംജാതമാകും