Thursday, December 12, 2019


Demonetisation herald a new wave of enthusiasm among Public who expects a clean system without nepotism and its impact comes to the fore now in the Second phase of BJP Government .it is a bold Step considering the thriving Unorganised Sector where many Unscrupulous Business Tycoons indulges in International Trade by non-complying with India's Banking Regulations and Counterfeit Currencies.

This has substantially increased Non Cash Transactions like Card payments and thereby brought in new mode of #Cashless Transactions like Payment Wallets,UPI etc which ushered in a new interest among middle class income group to familiarise using Apps through their SmartPhones.It turned out to be a New Avenue for them to get initiated to Digital Revolution and Global Practice. Demonetisation intends to Cleanse the entire Economic Transactions in the country and bring prudence and made it Simple.Many Payment Apps have promotional offers which attract youth who engages in GIG Economy namely Delivery,Logistics and Door to Door Repair Service.

Friday, November 1, 2019

बंजारे !

Very commonplace and nomadic are those who are less concerned about the hurry burry of the world around and concerned only about a roof on top to sleep safely without being evicted by the Police since they travel to remote corners of the country with kith and kin.
They often influenced my thoughts positively because of their Ethnic dress sense which instill National  Pride in me as well as their nonchalance to Material Possession but Only about their means of daily bread. They can be termed as gypsies like in western world but I would refer them as Migratory Birds.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Renascence of Sanatana Sanskar. 🐄

India is a land of yogis and priests and we Inherited this legacy from our Ancestors since  5000 odd years whereas our electoral democracy has a very nascent history. Our princely rulers had battles with foreign invaders before we got freedom from British rule who were our Recent Conquerors. Freedom fighters like Gandhiji adopted Ahimsa a more bloodless Agitation which was a novel way of non-cooperation and got attention worldwide which led to our Independence. Since then we relinquished our Swadeshi Doctrine and chosen a Modern path of development which included Industrialisation and our vision has changed according to the global demands and subdued our cultural fervour to a more Secular Diaspora for a long time. In today's scenario where environmental pollution is rampant our Sanatana Sanskar we proudly refer to as Hinduism  is a way of life that sustains Greenery and embraces Nature is very Inevitable Order of the day.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Industrious 💪

Career Aspirations of Indian students vary from place to place.youngsters in small cities may not get enough avenues compared to their peers in major towns due to lack of opportunities to familiarise with the practices adopted in industries and major corporations. This is applicable to only those who cannot afford to pursue higher studies other than the conventional careers like Engineering, medical and law. Since the minimum criteria for any desk job is graduation youngsters should make it a point to complete it irrespective of hardships to get aid . Another aspect is mobility. most of them would confine their ambitions within their region due to various reasons. As India is advancing in job creation due to burgeoning IT and Digital sector many slots are there to fill and also this will help them to know better about the diverse culture and heritage. it will happen only if there is support from their parents.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

अहम् Bramahsmi 💨

Having faith in supernatural force in a materialistic world is quite natural. But the question is which faith? People in Many Countries follow their Traditional customs and rituals which most of its people can relate and adhere to without any apprehension. On the contrary, when there is considerable chunk following different religions accepted by the constitution of the country it takes lot of pain to accommodate and make it Inclusive if it turn against wishes and aspirations of the people and culture. This may lead to chaos and disintegration. but those who are religious would hold on to their Holy Relics and say "come what may have faith in Almighty" while others like to go through motions without much ado.

ഭാരതം എന്നതിലുപരി ഹിന്ദുസ്ഥാൻ എന്ന മനോരാജ്യം അന്വർത്ഥമാക്കുക എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യം BJP യിലൂടെ സംജാതമാകും

ഭാരതം എന്ന് കേട്ടാൽ അഭിമാനപൂരിതം  ആകണം അന്തരംഗം
കേരളം എന്ന് കേട്ടാലോ തിളക്കണം ചോര ഞരമ്പുകളിൽ ... ജയ്ഹിന്ദ് 

Thursday, August 15, 2019


As we enter New Phase in Indian Politics which had hitherto witnessed Murky politics because of Unstable Governments, New Regime of BJP led National Democratic Alliance got a clear Mandate from the People of India to carry out their Agenda mentioned in the Manifesto which gave Priority to the sensitive Article 370 and 35A Abrogation. Today Government took the first step towards resolving this Issue by revoking the Article. People in Jammu Kashmir were so far stood aloof from the affairs of Indian Union in spite of being a part of it whereas all other states excelled in many Areas. Every citizen of India has equal right whether they are from Kashmir or Kanyakumari .it may be true that some parts of India may not get their due as far as Development is concerned. This should happen only if all States stand United despite diversity. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Colossal !!!

India had witnessed a Historic Election this time. Loksabha Elections 2019 turned out to be peaceful and more participative. Almost 67 % of Voters exercised their franchise to Elect a New Ministry. Frequent Elections took a toll on Indian Exchequer earlier and people were fed up of the Unstable Governments during the late 90's Period. Since Parliament Elections Happen in every five years it's Imperative that we elect a Stable Government because stability lowers the prospects of defection and Opportunistic Political Alliances. This time people have voted for Pro Incumbency and restored faith in Modi led NDA Government and gave it another term to Pursue their Populist Policies. We have witnessed a poll where there are no issues to point against the Incumbent Government. Moreover, NDA Government took a Landmark Decision of  Demonetisation which turned out to be a successful initiative in Curbing Money hoarding and promotion of Non-cash Transactions especially UPI and Payment Wallets which is becoming prevalent in many cities. Swaach Bharat Campaign and Digital India turned out to be popular among Youth which exacerbated BJP's Victory.   

Monday, May 6, 2019



No legal justice can make up for the loss that Nirbhaya’s parents have faced .its indeed sad that in a democratic and vibrant country like India these gruesome act of rape and murder has happened .it shows that in our country there are large number of anti-social elements roaming free .we are proud of Delhi's cultural amity and heritage but nowadays Delhi has become notorious due to this. Nirbhaya's parents have lost their child on whom they have much aspirations.No legal justice can replace their loss and can only provide little solace for their despair.Nirbhaya was gang-raped by five men and a juvenile named Mohammed Afroz. The supreme court has sentenced the other five with the death penalty and
Afroz was sent to juvenile jail and was given only 3 years Imprisonment (Probation Home).now he has completed his sentence and is walking free. As per the latest reports, he is working somewhere in south India as a cook with a different name.As per India's juvenile act he was acquitted.I do agree with the supreme court that juvenile accused should be sent to a different correction department .but in a heinous crime like Nirbhaya rape case he deserves equal punishment as other accused. A boy should become adult at the very young age of sixteen itself but he legally become adult only at the age of eighteen. This factor alone has saved Mohammed Afroz .he has not done this act under the influence of alcohol.he may be a partner in the crime with other accused.but how can we prevent this? Severe punishment can act as a deterrent for criminals and rapists. stringent measures should be taken to prevent these crimes. Girls have every right to dress according to their fancies but that does not mean they should be molested. In a democratic and largely populated country like ours, security is a big issue for our authorities. Government is bound to protect every Individual but they alone cannot provide adequate security measures to all. In this scenario MORAL POLICING
has become relevant .political parties and social organizations can give a helping hand to police in tackling this major cities, surveillance is a vexing problem. There will be anti-social elements and they should be dealt with severely. Capital punishment can always act as a deterrent to these crimes against women. but still, there are incidents of rape and murder.A collective effort by all law-abiding citizens can prevent these crimes.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Gimme a Pie !

Begging is more complex and a serious issue we face in India. There were over 200 beggars in each District. Unemployment in villages drives people to take begging as the only solution for the sustenance. Breakdown or desertion by family leads to it and some use disfigured children to generate income for their guardians and this prevents them from leading a useful living and results in tyranny. society must be able to rehabilitate the handicapped people and make them an asset and those who are educated and skilled should be given occupation so that the scourge of begging can be overcome. They live the life of forsaken People

Saturday, February 2, 2019

For a Space

Creating a niche in the society is the main purpose of an individual. One must have gone through the Rigmarole of the System and have created a space for himself and his family by chosing an arena where he can exemplify his abilities and acumen hence society heeds to it. Individuals make a society and include all human beings. Man's worth is determined by his earning potential in the corporate world and the so-called upper echelons whereas all individuals even though he is not earning enough or is depending on others for his Subsistence has an importance in this world. He must be contributing to the society in a different manner and should be an important person for his family or friends who engages him in a constructive
way. All Individuals who have a social acceptance by his profession or by his deeds has a responsibility in the fruitful engagement of the downtrodden thereby enabling them to earn a livelihood which will compel them to be a law abiding citizen

Friday, February 1, 2019


Man is a Hypocrite by Nature. But certain people choose a way of life that Justifies their conscience. These People are a rarity in Today's Materialistic world. They are at peace with themselves and they very well know that they are living in a hostile environment and allows others to co-exist with them. They spend their time learning new things and equip themselves with enough expertise to eke out a living. Though they are modest in nature flamboyance often enchants them. They keep track of those people who splurge on money and remain stoic. They don't have to fear any human beings except those who enforce  law. On the contrary, some people are sycophants and they depend on their leaders or role models for a living. In other words, they are parasites that feed on the leftovers of the affluent people. They uphold their master's actions and extend moral support to them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Learning native language is a rarity nowadays. it is a trend to speak in the English language alone and most of the English medium schools make it mandatory to speak in English. This is to improve the standard of English among students .it is true that it helps the children to expand their horizons and to build a career befitting their Aspirations.  Even I am a product of English Medium Education.its because it is an international language and  official language of India. The Regional language is ignored to a large extent and only a few are trying to learn it in depth. its confined to certain people because of few career prospects  Government has realized this drawback and  made it as a prime Language. 


Life of Railway Porters and Tea vendors is something for us to ponder. They must have seen many celebrities and people from all walks of life during their service in the platform. They live in the same town and would have undergone many Ups and Downs.They still maintain their persona and remain courteous. In our fast-paced life, their simplicity often reminds us that life is a great leveller and someday we might have to return to our roots

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Secular ?

Secularism is something that binds India all along through these seventy-odd years. When India was divided on the basis of religion and a Muslim country was born as Pakistan, India chose to be secular considering a large number of minorities in this nation. All political parties steadfastly follow secular traditions and heed to the interests of the minorities which often strays to appeasement. The right-wing parties vociferously campaigned for a change and regained power in spite of simmering discontent among minorities. They had faith only in secular parties due to various incidents happened in this nation. The left was staunch in their secular stand but they alone cannot come to power due to scant representation. Now its time for Continuity and let's see whether the right-wing parties can hold on to power protecting the interests of All.

Its My Right !!!

Every Individual is important in the cultural diaspora of the nation.No one is smaller in stature for the nation and everyone should be giv...