Monday, May 6, 2019



No legal justice can make up for the loss that Nirbhaya’s parents have faced .its indeed sad that in a democratic and vibrant country like India these gruesome act of rape and murder has happened .it shows that in our country there are large number of anti-social elements roaming free .we are proud of Delhi's cultural amity and heritage but nowadays Delhi has become notorious due to this. Nirbhaya's parents have lost their child on whom they have much aspirations.No legal justice can replace their loss and can only provide little solace for their despair.Nirbhaya was gang-raped by five men and a juvenile named Mohammed Afroz. The supreme court has sentenced the other five with the death penalty and
Afroz was sent to juvenile jail and was given only 3 years Imprisonment (Probation Home).now he has completed his sentence and is walking free. As per the latest reports, he is working somewhere in south India as a cook with a different name.As per India's juvenile act he was acquitted.I do agree with the supreme court that juvenile accused should be sent to a different correction department .but in a heinous crime like Nirbhaya rape case he deserves equal punishment as other accused. A boy should become adult at the very young age of sixteen itself but he legally become adult only at the age of eighteen. This factor alone has saved Mohammed Afroz .he has not done this act under the influence of alcohol.he may be a partner in the crime with other accused.but how can we prevent this? Severe punishment can act as a deterrent for criminals and rapists. stringent measures should be taken to prevent these crimes. Girls have every right to dress according to their fancies but that does not mean they should be molested. In a democratic and largely populated country like ours, security is a big issue for our authorities. Government is bound to protect every Individual but they alone cannot provide adequate security measures to all. In this scenario MORAL POLICING
has become relevant .political parties and social organizations can give a helping hand to police in tackling this major cities, surveillance is a vexing problem. There will be anti-social elements and they should be dealt with severely. Capital punishment can always act as a deterrent to these crimes against women. but still, there are incidents of rape and murder.A collective effort by all law-abiding citizens can prevent these crimes.


  1. Nirbhaya was a 23 year Old PhysioTherapy Student and was thrown out of the Bus and Some Good Samaritans took her to the Safdarjung Hospital.The Incident Happened in December 16 ,2012 according to a Report in Outlook Magazines Latest Issue.

  2. Nirbhaya's Parents were compensated with 4 crores and Amended Pocso Act favours Capital punishment whereas there is a debate gaining ground on abolishing Death penalty
    Courtesy :Sucheta Dasgupta,Journalist published in Todays Deccan Chronicle EDIT Section

  3. Other 4 Accused were Akshay Thakur,Vinay Sharma,Pawan Gupta and Mukesh Singh
    On Dec.18 2019 SC rejects review Plea ; Akshay seeks 3 weeks to file mercy petition before President.On the contrary Nirbhaya's parents move court seeking the Execution of Convicts.

  4. Akshay Kumar Singh, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Sharma and Mukesh Singh -- were hanged at 5:30 am at Delhi's Tihar Jail, hours after the Supreme Court, in a midnight hearing, refused to grant them relief and stay their executions. The four were hanged simultaneously, a first in independent India's history.
    The Court Procedure took 7 long years...


Its My Right !!!

Every Individual is important in the cultural diaspora of the nation.No one is smaller in stature for the nation and everyone should be giv...